How to submit a video assignment using Stream
To upload a video file to Stream:
- Go into your Microsoft 365 dashboard, through Moodle or directly to, logging in using your normal username and password.
- Find the Stream app shortcut: either in your Apps list, or click “Explore all your apps” to find it in the extended list.
- Click “Upload a Video” if it appears in the header, or use the menu: Create / Upload a Video.
- Set the permissions for your video, so that only the specified people are allowed to watch it This can be done:
- While you are uploading the video, by selecting the permissions tab, and entering the email addresses of those you want to have access (or if you want to, leave the checkbox “Allow everyone in your company to view this video!)
- After you have uploaded, you can edit the permissions. To do this use the menu My content / My videos. Then in the list of videos that appears, select the pencil icon to edit the video details. Then in the permission box, edit the users as above.
To share the video link with permitted users
- Using the menu My content / My videos obtain the list of videos. Using the more icon “…” select “Share”.
- Click on the “Copy” button.
- Paste the link wherever you need to share it, for example
- In a forum
- In an assignment submission text box
- In an email
Click on How to submit a video assignment using Stream to open the resource.